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Hi. I currently see that there is a cost of 39.66 outside my bundle. But I do not see how that’s possible. I’ve tried to connect with customer care but haven’t been able to chat or speak to anyone. Could you please help me out with this. 

You’re welcome. We did sent you the text that it was about this bundle. The text was:  “Hallo, je hebt 100% van je min/sms bundel verbruikt. Je betaalt nu 31 ct per min/sms. Wil je kosten buiten je bundel voorkomen in Nederland of een EU land? Kies dan een grotere bundel via Ik Ben of de Ben app. Meer informatie vind je op Groeten van Ben.” I don’t know if you can understand dutch, but if you don’t you can always ask! 

Thank you for your response. I did receive texts but that only mentioned how much I was being charged outside of my bundle - did not mention anything about the charges. It would be helpful if the text messages can also include this information. So I couldn’t find out whether it was the minutes or the data. I suppose I will go ahead and change my bundle now. 

Hi Vaishali! Thank you for getting in touch with us. I looked it up for you and I see that you have a 100 min/SMS bundle. I see that you are currently calling/texting outside of your bundle because you didn’t have any minutes/text left in the bundle. We texted you about this a couple of times. Maybe you can change your bundle to a higher amount. You can do this in your Ik-Ben app. 
