
I'd like to cancel my subscription

  • 18 February 2020
  • 7 reacties
  • 596 keer bekeken

How can I cancel my subscription? I’d like to cancel my subscription because I’m moving abroad and it doesn’t make sense to have a Dutch phone number anymore. Any help is appreciated.


Beste antwoord door Romy 20 February 2020, 15:20

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7 reacties

Reputatie 5
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Allright, I cancelled it for you. You will receive an e-mail with information. Can I do anything else for you?

Reputatie 5
Badge +9

Hi Mattoosh! Too bad you're leaving us, but I can understand it! I can cancel your subscription with one month notice. Is this okay with you? 

Hi @Romy ,


Yes, that’s fine.

Thank you @Romy . That’ll be all :)

Reputatie 5
Badge +6

Have a nice day @mattoosh 

Please cancel my subscription

Reputatie 2
Badge +1

Hi @Berno Claassen, ik heb op je andere berichtje een reactie verzonden. 
