
Never received a sim card.

  • 1 September 2020
  • 1 reactie
  • 193 keer bekeken



I ordered a sim card a few months ago, I never received it. I had contacted your Facebook customer service several times and never got an explanation.


The phone number is 06(verwijderd)

Instead, I received multiple fees over the month, which I made clear could not have incurred because I never received my card. I also have cancelled the contract after I never received the card.


I am very confused and frustrated. 


I have not used one day of the service but received so much trouble over the past few months over something I never used. 


I will not pay a cent for such bad service.


Thank you.


Nuoya Chen




Beste antwoord door Jolijn 2 September 2020, 10:29

Bekijk origineel

1 reactie

Reputatie 3
Badge +7

Hi @cny0824!


Thanks for your message. I understand you have some questions about the invoices you received. I checked your account and I see that you still received invoices even though your subscription was cancelled. However, all the costs that you received an invoice about should be deducted in our system so you won't have to pay this. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If you have any more questions about this, let me know!
