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change language in voicemail

  • 17 januari 2018
  • 19 reacties
  • 1705 keer bekeken

how can I change language setting for my voicemail? thank u

Beste antwoord door Rox

Hi Gabriel! You can change the language of you voicemail by calling to your voicemail (1233) and choose option 9. Option 9 opens the menu for your voicemail settings and here you can change te language. You can find more information about the voicemail in this topic.
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19 reacties

Ben loyaal
  • Oud-moderator
  • 83 reacties
  • Antwoord
  • 17 januari 2018
Hi Gabriel! You can change the language of you voicemail by calling to your voicemail (1233) and choose option 9. Option 9 opens the menu for your voicemail settings and here you can change te language. You can find more information about the voicemail in this topic.

  • Auteur
  • Ben op dreef
  • 1 reactie
  • 17 januari 2018
thank u rox, the problem am finding is that once I press 9, the only options I get are either change my voicemail message or my password, but am not given the option to change language...

Ben loyaal
  • Oud-moderator
  • 83 reacties
  • 17 januari 2018
Hmm that is not handy ofcourse Gabriel! I have asked one of our network experts and he changed the language of your voicemail on the network to English. Can you please turn your phone off and on again to see if this has worked?

  • Ben nieuw
  • 2 reacties
  • 20 mei 2019
Since the option to change language does not seem to exist anymore in the voicemail settings (9>3 does not seem to work), can you change my voicemail to English as well? Thanks.

Ben de beste
  • Oud-moderator
  • 2145 reacties
  • 20 mei 2019
Hi! I have changed it for you! You can restart your device in 15 minutes. Let me know it this has worked.

  • Ben nieuw
  • 2 reacties
  • 20 mei 2019
Romy schreef:
Hi! I have changed it for you! You can restart your device in 15 minutes. Let me know it this has worked.

Thanks. It works great.

  • Ben goed bezig
  • 6 reacties
  • 6 april 2020


The option to change language does not seem to exist in the voicemail settings anymore (9> 3 does not seem to work), can you change my voicemail to English too? Thank you.

Ben de beste
  • Oud-moderator
  • 2145 reacties
  • 7 april 2020

Hi! Thank you for reaching out! I’ve changed your voicemail language to English. You can restart your device in 15 minutes. Let me know if this has worked!

  • Ben goed bezig
  • 6 reacties
  • 7 april 2020
Romy schreef:

Hi! Thank you for reaching out! I’ve changed your voicemail language to English. You can restart your device in 15 minutes. Let me know if this has worked!

Thanks Romy, it’s in English now.

Ben de beste
  • Oud-moderator
  • 2145 reacties
  • 7 april 2020

That’s good to hear! As i can read in your other topic everything works now. If I can help with you anything else, please let me know!

  • Ben ontwaakt
  • 1 reactie
  • 26 juni 2020
Romy schreef:

That’s good to hear! As i can read in your other topic everything works now. If I can help with you anything else, please let me know!

@Romy could you please help me as well? I called 1200 twice and I am provided with imaginary menu options that do not exist.



  • Moderator
  • 1225 reacties
  • 29 juni 2020

Hi @gm34bn! I’ve changed your voicemail language to English. You can restart your device in 15 minutes. Let me know if this has worked!

  • Ben ontwaakt
  • 1 reactie
  • 2 juli 2020


Merve schreef:

Hi @gm34bn! I’ve changed your voicemail language to English. You can restart your device in 15 minutes. Let me know if this has worked!


Hi, I also have this problem, I can not find the option to change my voicemail language to English. Could you help me as well?

  • Moderator
  • 1225 reacties
  • 3 juli 2020

Hi @WCWang! I’ve also changed it for you. Your voicemail language is changed. You can restart your device in 15 minutes. Have a nice day:blush:

  • Ben nieuwsgierig
  • 1 reactie
  • 25 augustus 2020

Hi @Merve  I would like to change my voicemail language to English. Could you help me as well? Thank you!

Ben de beste
  • Ben de beste
  • 381 reacties
  • 26 augustus 2020

Hi @sulibozju! I will change your settings! Could you send me your phone number, postal code + house number, date of birth and the last 4 digits of your IBAN code to me via a private message for this?

Ben de beste
  • Ben de beste
  • 381 reacties
  • 26 augustus 2020

Thanks for sending your details, @sulibozju! I just changed your voicemail settings. If you restart your phone, the language should be changed to English.

  • Ben ontwaakt
  • 1 reactie
  • 5 januari 2022

Can I also get my voicemail changed to English, please? Or is there a way to do it on ben website?

  • Moderator
  • 429 reacties
  • 6 januari 2022

Hi @manugv thanks for your message!
Please send me your request, mobile number, date of birth, zip code + house number and the last 4 digits of your bank account number in a privatemessage.


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